This post will only help if you're having issues with connecting your vpcs to your routers in gns3.
Did you get this message when u tried connecting router's ethernet port in gns3 to one your vpcs?
206 - unable to create UDP NIO
steps to solve this
- Start a new project if you're working on a simple one.
- Otherwise, go to the "working directory" ----> where you save your projects and delete your project while your gns3 is still open with the current project.
- Now you CAN connect the router to your vpcs, check that and save your project.
- Try to avoid switches in between vpcs and routers when verifying communication between the router and vpcs.
- Once you're connected and made sure vpc and router communicate, by pinging from either of them, you can add a switch in between.
- Careful with the Lport and Rport entries: vpc1 gets Lport: 30000, ip:, Rport: 20000
- If Lport: 30000, Rport:20000 doesn't work try with different values, you can go up to vpc9 Lport: 30008, Rport:20008
I dont think it really matters if I open vpcs first or the gns3 first. In my video i started vpcs after gns3, so.
Watch the video below. Its a simple topology, one router and one vpcs. you'll see how the error shows up and how we can avoid that.
f 0/0 -
ip 24
(gateway: is the router's f0/0
I will try to help , ask questions in the comments please. Thanks.. video here( Big screen ) or right below.
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